Brings, Lee reflect on school board service | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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March 12, 2025

Brings, Lee reflect on school board service

Long-time board members did not seek re-election last fall

As the Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose School Board has gathered for meetings in the opening months of 2025, a pair of familiar faces have been conspicuously absent for the first time in almost two decades.

Melissa Brings and Sue Lee decided not to run for re-election last fall after serving 17 years and 19 years on the board, respectively. Their seats are now occupied by Angie Grieg and Mike Honsey.

Following their final meeting in December, Brings and Lee reflected on their years of service, and shared their thoughts on the state of the school district.

Joining the board
“I don’t think anyone knows how much work it is until you’re on the board. But being a retired teacher, I wanted to get back and be involved with the schools,” said Lee, who was elected to the board in 2005 immediately after retiring from her 35-year teaching career in BHM Schools. 

Lee went out on top, having been recognized by the Minnesota School Boards Association as one of just seven 2025 All-State School Board members for her many years of dedicated service. While she at least had some idea of what to expect when joining the board after a career in education, Brings had a different angle of approach. She was encouraged to run during two different election cycles. 

“The first time I really didn’t even know what the school board did. It wasn’t on my radar. I was too busy, had two young kids, no interest,” she said. 

But two years later former BHM School Board members Patti Pokorney and Robert Harri again encouraged Brings to run.

“That time I really thought about it,” Brings said. “I was born and raised in Buffalo, graduated from Buffalo, my husband and his siblings are here. We’re property owners and business owners. I thought, ‘I can give back, I can serve.’ So even though it hadn’t been on my radar, I’m super passionate about kids and education. It fit my heart.”

She earned election in 2007, and was serving as the board chair when her term expired in December of 2024.

Highlights and challenges
While the COVID time period brought its own struggles, Brings and Lee agreed that the deep budget cuts that the board had to make around 2008-10 were unsurpassed in terms of difficulty.

“That was really the hardest time we’ve ever had on the board,” said Lee. 

Brings said her first meeting in 2008 involved approving a long list of cuts, including some programs that directly affected her own son.

“I just remember thinking, ‘How can this be my first meeting? This is awful,’” Brings recalled.

But as financial conditions improved following the Great Recession, those difficulties eventually gave way to new programs and opportunities, some of which board members felt were superior to previous offerings. 

“It gave us the opportunity to look at things differently,” said Brings. “For example, when we eliminated the gifted and talented program we were able to ask, ‘Was that the best thing for students?’ It allowed our staff to get creative, and now we have Quest.”

In terms of highlights, both agreed that graduation was an annual point of pride.

“It almost brings me to tears because you look out at these kids and their families and there’s that sense of unity: ‘We are the Bison, the Class of …’ I just look and know that they have been given everything they need to succeed after they leave our doors,” said Brings. “Everything that wasn’t so fun before that, you just forget it. It is a truly magical moment.”

In addition, Lee said the annual Welcome Back event for all staff members each fall was one of her favorite traditions. Both agreed that board workshops, which take place at each of the district’s schools and sometimes involve student presenters, were a wonderful opportunity to hear about the good things going on in each corner of the BHM community.

“I’ve loved learning so much, and I’m so interested in what’s going on. I love being with the administration and hearing the director’s reports,” Lee said. “What they do is so amazing to me. It just makes you so proud to be part of this whole district. When you talk to school board members in other districts, it’s not the same.”

That connection to students, and the opportunity to support teachers and administrators, was one reason both continued on the board year after year. Another reason was the endless learning that the role entailed. 

“I’m the type of person that tends to get bored easily,” said Brings with a laugh. “Once I figure something out I’m like, ‘OK. Done. I understand it. Now I’m ready to do something different.’ Well, I didn’t get bored. There are so many layers of complexity. It allowed me to keep my brain engaged.”

Addressing misconceptions
Because board members have direct knowledge of the district’s status, Brings and Lee also embraced the chance to curb rumors and share facts. 

“I really appreciated the opportunity to correct misinformation from a perspective of true knowledge and help people get accurate information,” said Brings.

Using COVID protocols as an example, Brings added that schools sometimes don’t have as much local control as the public assumes.

“I wish they understood how little power we actually have,” said Brings. “Especially the last few years, so much of what we do is mandated by the state and the federal government that we as a board truly have very little discretionary authority. But when we do have discretion in a matter, we take it very seriously.”

Someone who only attends the monthly business meeting might get the impression that board members just rubber-stamp agenda items, but Lee said the hard work of raising concerns, ironing out differences, asking questions and exploring options often comes earlier, through workshops, retreats and small group meetings.

“We come to a consensus through discussion. We listen to each other and our concerns and work through those things,” she said.

State of the district
Looking back on their years with the board, both Lee and Brings believe the district is well-positioned for the future.

“I think we’re in very good shape,” said Lee. “Looking at our history here, I think it’s the strongest administrative team ever. They really care about the students and their staff.”

“We have the right people in the right places,” agreed Brings. 

Both commented on the district’s history of fiscal responsibility, and its creativity in making the most of the available resources. They also feel that the district’s recently adopted Portrait of a Graduate, which outlines specific goals and skills for students at each grade level from preschool through graduation, provides a specific roadmap for all involved.

“I love the Portrait of a Graduate,” said Brings. “It makes it super clear to students, parents, and staff what our goals are.” 

Has the district lived up to its motto to be the place where students Dream, Believe and Achieve?

“Yes. We can see it happening,” said Lee, pointing to the large array of activities to serve all interests. Examples include skill-building programs like AVID, dual enrollment courses that provide college credit, Unified classes that pair students with and without disabilities, and more. 

In addition, the premium that schools staff members place on building relationships leads directly to student success. 

“I think our staff have done an amazing job of creating meaningful connections with students,” said Brings. “Relationships are part of making this ‘the place to Dream, Believe and Achieve,’ because when you have an adult in the school system who knows you, they can help direct you.”

“Relationships are the key to education. They really are,” Lee said.

Stepping away
While Brings and Lee are still full of enthusiasm for the board member’s role, they are looking forward to a more open schedule that will allow more time for family, friends and travel. 

“When you step aside from anything, it gives other people the opportunity to step up,” said Brings. “Good things can come from new perspectives and experiences and new people.” 

“It’s been a joy,” said Lee, adding that a diverse group of board members, in terms of background, will continue to serve the board and district well. “Our different professions, all those experiences we’ve had, add to the richness of how we work together.”

While specific challenges and opportunities change over time, Brings and Lee have more than done their part to serve the BHM community, and are ready to pass the baton to their successors. 

“We have a long history of being a cohesive, thoughtful, student-centered board,” said Brings. “I hope that continues for many years to come.”

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