Molesky, Herbst nominated for ExCEL Award | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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February 3, 2025

Molesky, Herbst nominated for ExCEL Award

Audyn Molesky and Aiden Herbst have been named Buffalo High School’s nominees for the Minnesota State High School League’s ExCEL Award. 

The award, which stands for Excellence in Community, Education and Leadership, is for juniors who participate in an MSHSL fine arts and/or athletic activity, hold a leadership position in their school, and volunteer in their community, among other stipulations.

Audyn Molesky
Molesky has made her mark on BHS and the wider community through sports, music and volunteer work. She is a captain on the girls hockey team, and a member of the two-time section runner-up soccer team.

Hockey coach Sydney Driver, in a letter of recommendation for the ExCEL Award, said that Molesky stands out as “an exceptional student and leader.  Her unwavering determination, positivity, and ability to inspire others set her apart in every area of her life.”

Molesky is also active musically as a cellist in the Concert Orchestra and Symphonic Orchestra.

“It’s good for your brain to be able to read and play music, and I really enjoy the community,” she said. “It’s fun getting together with a group of people who have a similar interest as you to create something that sounds beautiful.”

Though it takes time and dedication to excel in sports and music, Molesky has also delved into a wide variety of other roles and activities in the high school, including the school newspaper, student council, National Honor Society, Unified club, Tri-M Music Society and more.

Outside of school, she has also volunteered with Feed My Starving Children, the school’s blood drive committee, youth hockey and helped at a nursing home. The youth hockey experience has been particularly meaningful.

“Every time I work with the younger girls, it reminds me of when I was in the same position, and I remember clearly how much I looked up to the older girls on the varsity team,” Molesky wrote in an essay required for the ExCEL Award. “I try to always exemplify integrity, honesty, and hard work to help give these girls confidence both on the ice and off the ice.” 

In the classroom, Molesky’s favorite subjects are the sciences – particularly biology.

“I’m hoping to go on a pre-med path to become a pediatrician and maybe specifically study oncology. It makes it more fun to study and take a class when you know you have a goal in mind,” she said.

Molesky is the daughter of Joseph and Angela Molesky.

Aiden Herbst
Herbst has been a mainstay on the BHS wrestling team, having competed at the varsity level since seventh grade. 

“It is not very common to have a seventh-grader regularly competing and contributing at the varsity level; however, Aiden did and has continued to thrive for the last five years,” said Blake Trullinger, head wrestling coach at BHS. “He has a passion for the sport.”

Teammates and coaches have selected Herbst to serve as team captain the past two years, and he has also earned “hardest worker” and “MVP” team honors. Outside of the wrestling season, Herbst also plays football and competed in track and field his freshman year of high school. As for fine arts involvement, Herbst is a member of the Concert Choir.

“I really like it because you get to hang out with other people that you know and work hard doing things you like, which is fun,” he said. “I feel like you’re not living out the full high school experience if you’re not participating in many different activities.”

Herbst also is a member of the yearbook staff, and has volunteered with the American Legion and Feed My Starving Children.

“Witnessing the dedication of fellow volunteers and hearing stories of families we helped to feed significantly deepened my gratitude for all the blessings I have in my own life,” Herbst wrote in his ExCEL essay. “It’s humbling to realize that while I focus on my challenges, lots of children around the world go through far greater hardships.”

In his studies, Herbst said that history is his favorite subject.

“I like learning about different types of people and empires and cultures,” he said. “My World History class is a lot of fun.”

What are his keys to success in multiple areas of effort?

“Just working hard and having a good attitude,” he said. “Those are the two biggest things for me.”

Herbst is the son of Robert and Karen Herbst.

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