Peachjar Flyers | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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Peachjar Flyers

BHM Schools uses to distribute electronic flyers to families of students in our district. Flyers are posted to each school's Peachjar flyer board (linked below), and relevant flyers are emailed one time per week to BHM families.

See flyers for:

Weekly Deadline 
The deadline for uploading flyers is Tuesday evening for approval Wednesday morning. When you upload your flyer, make sure the post date is set to Wednesday of the week you want the flyer to be emailed to families.

upload a flyer

More information

Organizations that are allowed to distribute flyers include:

  • Local, non-profit organizations with an official 501(c)3 or similar non-profit status that are offering activities/events/classes/resources, within district boundaries, which contribute to the positive academic, social or physical development of students
  • Non-profit organizations offering unique educational opportunities on a county-wide level will also be considered for distribution even though the activity may not occur within district boundaries.
  • For-profit organizations only when the district determines that the materials meet the criteria applicable to non-profit organizations and that the event or activity is not a method to create a captive audience for proprietary interests.

If you would like to submit a flyer, please read these helpful tips:

  • All flyers must be uploaded to Peachjar by the group sponsoring the event or activity.
  • Flyers must be submitted as a PDF, letter size, portrait or vertical layout. Colorful flyers with few words and large fonts that include a website address for more information are most effective.
  • All activities, events, materials and opportunities must relate directly to children and families and must comply with the district's advertising policy. The district reserves the right to deny permission for the posting or distribution of materials that are not consistent with the best interests of students and families or that directly compete with district programs or services, including BHM Community Education, other public or private schools.
  • When you create an account to upload flyers, please select that you are a "Parent Group Representative" or a "Program Provider."

create a Peachjar account

Any flyers submitted to the district must:

  • Support the basic educational mission of the district, directly benefit the students, or be of intrinsic value to the students or their parents/guardians.
  • Should not imply Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools's endorsement of any identified product and/or services.
  • Should not be lewd, obscene, libelous, or slanderous.
  • Should not incite students to commit unlawful acts, violate school rules, or disrupt the orderly operation of the schools.
  • Should not promote any particular political interest, candidate, party, or ballot measure, unless the candidates or advocates from all sides are provided the opportunity to present their views to the students during school hours or during scheduled events.
  • Should not discriminate against, attack, or denigrate any group on account of gender, race, age, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, or other unlawful consideration.
  • Should not promote the use or sale of materials or services that are illegal or inconsistent with school objectives, including, but not limited to, materials or advertisements for tobacco, intoxicants, and movies or products unsuitable for children.

All flyers to be distributed by outside organizations must:

  • Agree to let Peachjar place the following disclaimer on your flyer (exact wording): “This program is not run by Buffalo Hanover Montrose Public Schools. Neither the school nor the District endorse this activity, but they provide equal access to sharing the information as required by federal law.” 
  • The flyer must clearly identify the name and contact information of the sponsoring organization. 
  • If using Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose School facilities, the organization must have approval from the facilities department before the flier can be distributed through Peachjar.

The district reserves the right to deny permission for the posting of materials that do not meet the criteria listed above; that directly compete with district programs or services; or that are prohibited under Policy 904 or 905.

School-Related Activities
Each school will distribute materials that relate to the school’s activities, activities sponsored by student and parent organizations of the specific school the student attends, and student, parent and community activities coordinated/sponsored by the school district, including BHM Community Education.

Public Agencies or Organizations
These groups are defined as those that are tax-supported. Examples include city activities, elections, public hearings and police/fire department information. Informational materials from these organizations will be distributed no more than once weekly.

Community Organizations – (Civic/Charitable/Student)
These organizations are defined as organizations not operating for pecuniary profit. Materials from these organizations will be distributed no more than once weekly.

Fraternal Organizations
These organizations are defined as organizations operating for the benefit of a specific group within the community. Limited posters from these groups will be permitted when these organizations are sponsoring scholarship programs of direct benefit to students. Announcements of scholarship programs of direct benefit to students may also be made.

Churches/Religious Groups
These organizations are defined as religious organizations operating for the benefit of a specific group within the community. The school district, by law and court decisions, provides equal access to groups who meet this criteria.

Commercial Organizations/Individuals
These are defined as profit-making businesses or individuals not affiliated with an organization that is defined herein, and that they provide opportunities or events that generate financial support to schools and/or the school district. Prior approval of any commercial/individual partnership that generates donations to our schools must be approved in advance by the superintendent/ designee. Materials from such approved commercial organizations/individuals may contain advertising. Any advertising must be inconspicuous, and the commercial purpose of the organization/business shall not be dominant in any materials that are approved for posting. Materials from non-approved commercial organizations/individuals will not be accepted.

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