Jeanna Miller Appointed as New Parkside Elementary Principal | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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May 5, 2020

Jeanna Miller Appointed as New Parkside Elementary Principal

Jeanna Miller

At the Monday, April 27 BHM School Board meeting, the board approved the appointment of Jeanna Miller as the next Parkside Elementary Principal. Miller will replace current principal Michelle Robinson who is set to retire on June 30 after 33 years of service in BHM Schools.

Miller first learned about the BHM community when she heard Dr. Corey Martin speak at the February 2020 Minnesota Community Education Association Conference. He spoke about the community-wide Bounce Back Project and promoting health through happiness. His presentation really spoke to her and immediately she went home and purchased small notebooks for everyone in her family to record their Three Good Things (a community-wide initiative of the Bounce Back Project). When she heard there was an elementary principal position open in BHM Schools, she was excited to think about what a school could look like when its community prioritized emotional wellbeing. She never imagined just a couple months after hearing Dr. Martin speak that she would be hired to work in BHM Schools.

Miller is currently serving the Bloomington School District as the Director of Early Learning Services. She has been with the Bloomington District since 2001 serving in a variety of teaching and leadership positions including: Deaf/Hard of Hearing Teacher, Reading Specialist/Response to Intervention Lead, District New Teacher Instructional Mentor, and Learning Supports Manager/Response to Intervention Coordinator. She earned her B.A. in deaf education and elementary education from Augustana College in Sioux Falls, South Dakota in 1992. She went on to get her Masters in Educational Leadership from St. Mary’s University, her Reading Specialist Licensure from Hamline University and her Education Specialist Degree in Educational Leadership from the University of St. Thomas.  

Director of Teaching and Learning Pam Miller said that at the end of the interview process, they had two great candidates for the position. Jeanna’s skills and leadership style just seemed to be a good fit for Parkside Elementary. “During the interview process, we discovered Jeanna’s drive and passion for education. She places emphasis on equity and inclusivity for all students to be successful. She also believes strongly in shared leadership and is a builder of community. We are excited to have her as a part of our BHM team.”

“I am honored to be joining BHM Schools and lead Parkside Elementary,” stated Jeanna. “All of my experiences have led me to what I love the most, leading a building. Principalship is the place where things get done, where leadership and teaching converge with deep, meaningful relationships. I want to continue to make a difference in the lives of students and families. I want to support teachers in their growth and learning. I want to continue to unite a community. I want to continue to create a space where every family, student and staff feels a sense of belonging and empowerment. I look forward to getting to know everyone and learning all about the excellent work of BHM and Parkside Elementary.”

Miller will begin her new position on July 1, 2020.

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