Hanover Elementary | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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Hanover Elementary

Preparing all students for success
in a global society.

HES Vision: Preparing all students for success in a global society.

HES Mission Statement: We at Hanover Elementary School believe that all children can learn and succeed. We will provide children with a supportive, caring environment which fosters the development of a growth mindset, positive self-esteem, intrinsic motivation, and a sense of responsibility. We will create an atmosphere where all children can grow academically, socially, and physically to lay the foundation for college and career readiness. We will utilize teaching strategies that are designed to ensure that all children are making progress towards meeting the state standards. We will establish effective partnerships between home, school, and the community. 

At Hanover Elementary, students pledge to respect one another, to be responsible in doing their very best, and to recognize the rights of others. This pledge forms the foundation of a high-achieving, safe and positive environment, where students consistently score well above state and national averages on standardized tests. Personalized learning practices at Hanover ensure all students are challenged, and highly engaged families work closely with teachers and staff to help students reach their full potential. Hanover currently serves 370 students in grades K-5.

What's Up!

school supplies

2024-25 School Supplies

outdoor learning

School Registration

Follow the link for more information and to print registration forms. Please contact the Hanover office with questions at 763-682-0824 or jmischke@bhmschools.org
lunch schedule

Lunch Schedule 24-25

Kindy Recess 10:15-10:35, Lunch 10:35-11:05

 Gr. 5 Recess 10:45-11:05, Lunch 11:05-11:25 

Gr. 4 Recess 11:05-11:25, Lunch 11:25-11:45 

Gr. 3 Recess 11:25-11:45, Lunch 11:45-12:05 

Gr. 1 Recess 11:45-12:05, Lunch 12:05-12:25 

Gr. 2 Recess 12:05-12:25, Lunch 12:25-12:45

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