School Information | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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School Information

boy drawing


student and teacher drawing clocks

School Hours

School supplies

School Supplies


Student/Parent Handbook

HES Classroom Placement Form

HES Classroom Placement Form

food line

Nutrition Services

sick child

Health Services

student in bus



History of HES

Hanover, in the tradition of country schools, was a common school district with the typical wooden school house, but with two floors.  The original school was built in 1892 and no longer exists.  In 1958, land was purchased and a brick school consisting of three rooms was constructed.  A few years later two more rooms were built so that grades K-8 could be accommodated.  Around 1968, the Hanover District consolidated with the Buffalo School System.  Hanover area students traditionally went to Buffalo for high school, so this common district consolidated with Buffalo.  District 877 became the official district name.

Grad receiving diploma
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