Job Opportunities | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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Job Opportunities

Thank you for your interest in Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools. We are proud of our district and invite you to join us in providing support to our students to reach their maximum learning potential. To view our current openings or to complete an online application visit: 

Current Openings & Online Application

Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools currently uses Applicant Tracking, an online application system for all openings in the district. The program allows you to view current job openings around the district, and then gives you the ability to upload and manage your application and materials without having to send in hard copies.  

If, after reading the FAQ below, you still have any questions about the application process, please call Human Resources at 763.682.8712.  Thank you!

Frequently Asked Questions

If you use a PC, have Internet Explorer as your web browser and have issues with the "online application" link, please try the following:

1. Hold down your Control key.
2. While holding the Control key, click on the "online application system" link.
3. A new tab should open at the top of your browser– "online application system".
4. You will have to click on the new tab to view the page. It should say, "Welcome to Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools' Online Application Process". There you will see the links to view job opportunities and fill out an application.

The district no longer maintains manual copies of application, so you will need access to a computer to complete an application for employment in the district. If you don't have access to a computer at home, please check with a family member or friend, or visit your local public library to use their computers.

Changes are easy to make and can be done at any time. Log back into the district website at, then Job Opportunities.  From there go to Online Application, then "continue/modify my application for employment."  When you enter the site you will be asked to enter the email address and password used when you first created your application.  Please don't create a new application if you don't remember your password.  If you don't remember your email address or password, just select "Email me my password." Your information will be emailed out to you. It's private and secure.

Technical difficulties should not be a problem. The website is set up with a "help" button should you run into any issues that cannot be resolved. Technical assistance is just a "click" away!

Unfortunately, manual applications are no longer available. To apply for employment with the district you must use the on-line application system. We realize this may be an inconvenience for some applicants, but the system is very user-friendly and will take you step-by-step through each page needed.

Already submitted your application and now see a new position you are interested in?  No problem.  Once your application has been submitted online, all you need to do is log back in, then click on the open position(s) you want to apply for. Be sure to hit SUBMIT and get a confirmation that your application was submitted.

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