Technology & Information Services | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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Students on laptops

Technology & Information Services

Technology & Information Services

The use of technology at BHM Schools helps our students to prepare for a successful future in a changing world.  With technology integrated into learning, students are more engaged and student achievement has increased. Integrated services such as Google Applications for Education provides communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity - learning skills for life.


Mathew Nelson

Technology Director

Jamie Reineccius

Technology and Information Services Director's Secretary


Louis Kutter

District Technology Coordinator

Ryan Lindenfelser

District Technology Coordinator

Jennie Inselman

Information Services Coordinator


Tony Graham

Hanover Elementary
Montrose Elementary School of Innovation
Tatanka Elementary STEM School


Marie Jacobs

Buffalo Community Middle School
PRIDE Transitions

Senior Technician

Brett Mackereth

Discovery Elementary
Northwinds Elementary
Parkside Elementary

Senior Technician
District Office

Paula Meister

Buffalo High School

Senior Technician

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