Parkside Elementary | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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Kindergarten students

Parkside Elementary

Care - Connect - Inspire - Grow

At Parkside Elementary, we are proud to offer a warm and welcoming environment for our students, staff, parents and visitors. Parkside Elementary serves approximately 350 students in grades K- 5, and also houses two district level programs servicing children in the Quest Gifted/Talented Program as well as in special education. In addition to the core curriculum, our specialist teachers provide instruction for K-5 in music and physical education, and STEAM for Grades 3-5.  Qualifying students are further supported with Title I instruction. All of our teachers are highly qualified and fully licensed in the areas in which they teach. 

Our Vision:  Care • Connect • Inspire • Grow
Our Mission Statement:
  • We build community by reflecting and growing, being compassionate, and moving forward.
  • We will build meaningful relationships to connect students, staff, families, and the community.
  • Parkside students will feel a positive connection, experience success, and leave with a strong foundation to build their future.
  • We will provide children with a supportive, caring environment that fosters the development of perseverance, positive self-esteem, intrinsic motivation, and a sense of responsibility.
  • We provide a challenging, academically rich curriculum that empowers students to be critical thinkers and future leaders. 
Our Core Values:
  • We work together to ensure everyone is seen, heard, and validated.
  • We engage in purposeful and authentic connections.
  • We inspire the joy of learning.
  • We celebrate growth. 

Parkside News & Information

Classroom Placement for 2025-26

If you have parent input to share regarding your child and classroom placement for next school year - please complete the following form:
bingo boards

School-Wide BINGO! March 27 (12:45-1:45 pm)

Parents, grandparents and siblings are welcome to come and play for $2 per bingo card. (Cash only)
Kindergarten student

Welcome to Kindergarten!

children age 5 years old on or before Sept. 1st are eligible to begin Kindergarten in the fall. Contact Sue Bartz with questions about registration at 763.682.8500.
Students at table

School Registration

Follow the link for more information and to print registration forms. Please contact the Parkside office at 763.682.8500 with questions.
Student on playground in winter

Recess & Brain Breaks

Is your child is dressed for the weather?
School supplies

School Supply Lists & Elementary Parent Handbook

Reminder note

Early Release Dates: Oct 4, Nov 1, Dec 6, Jan 3, Feb 7, Mar 7, Apr 11 & May 2

School is dismissed at 12:25 on these dates

Upcoming Events at Parkside

Grad receiving diploma
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Teaching hugging student
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