Gifted Services | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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Gifted Services

It is the mission of BHM schools to make a difference by preparing all students for a successful future in a changing world.

The goal of BHM Schools’ high potential services program is to develop the unique abilities of gifted and talented students so they can be leaders in their future academic and professional pursuits.  To meet this goal, it is necessary that those students who have demonstrated a high potential are educated with instructional methods that best meet their learning needs.  Children with gifts and talents are those students with outstanding abilities, identified at preschool, elementary and secondary levels. These students are capable of or already demonstrate high performance when compared to others of similar age, experience and environment, and represent the diverse populations of our communities. This extraordinary potential or performance requires differentiated and challenging educational programs and/or services beyond those provided in the general school program.  Students capable of high performance include those with demonstrated achievement or potential ability in any one or more of the following areas: general intellectual, specific academic subjects, creativity, leadership, and visual and performing arts. 

Description of Services:

Services follows a tiered model.  These strategies vary from classroom level differentiation to more special services depending on student needs.  

Tier 1: Classroom Differentiation

Services at this level will include all students.  This tier consists of classroom teachers differentiating curriculum to meet students at their ability level.  This service is for all level of students.

Tier 2: Curriculum Enrichment

This level of service will be met through the enrichment and the expansion of curriculum.  This will usually be opportunities for students outside the regular classroom.  All students will have the option to participate in this level of programming.  The High Potential coordinator will work with classroom teachers to facilitate these programs.

Tier 3: Specialized Services

Services at this level will focus on those groups of students whose needs may not be able to be met in a traditional classroom setting.  This includes our Quest program which is a school within a school model at the elementary, middle school and high school levels for highly gifted students.  See links below for identification requirements and applications.  This level of programming also includes individualized instruction through independent study and mentorships.


The Quest program services highly gifted students (top two to three percent in class) who will be in grades 2-9.

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