Health Services | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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applying bandaid on child's arm

Health Services

Health Services

The school health service team is composed of licensed school nurses (LSNs)  and health educational support paraprofessionals (ESPs). The four LSNs, two full-time and two part-time, are dual licensed by the Board of Nursing and the Department of Education. Each school's health office is staffed by a Health ESP who receives certification in First Aid and CPR along with extensive health office training by the LSNs in specific health procedures and protocols.

Goal of Health Services

The goal of Health Services is to create and maintain a school environment that promotes and supports student health and well-being, empowering all learners to reach their academic potential.

Our team provides an array of services to meet this goal which includes:

  • Promoting a healthy and safe school environment.
  • Collaborating with parents, health care providers, and community partners.
  • Identifying health related barriers to learning.
  • Providing first aid and emergency care.
  • Assessing and treating illnesses and injuries.
  • Managing chronic health conditions.
  • Developing individual health plans for students with significant health concerns.
  • Implementing health related services on individual education plans, as requested by the special education team.
  • Reducing health related absences.
  • Monitoring immunization status.
  • Preventing the spread of communicable diseases.
  • Planning and implementing school health screenings.

It is extremely important for parents to keep the school updated on current phone numbers for emergency purposes. Parents and guardians can update this information on the Campus portal.

Minnesota Department of Health Potassium Iodide (KI)

The Department of Homeland Security has recommended that facilities within a 10 mile radius of a nuclear power plant have potassium iodide (KI) available to all people in the event of a nuclear incident.  Permission to administer KI is on the BHM Potassium Iodide (KI) Consent form, also available in Español.  No KI will be administered without the written consent of the parent/guardian.  Parent permission will be requested when students register for school.  For more information about what KI is and what it does, please read the document.

thermometer to take temperature

Not feeling well?

bottle of pills


getting a vaccination shot ready

Health Plans and Forms

Licensed School Nurses

Heidi Gallart

Discovery Elementary
Hanover Elementary
Montrose Elementary School of Innovation
Northwinds Elementary
Parkside Elementary
Tatanka Elementary STEM School

Licensed School Nurse

Karen Schultz

Buffalo High School
PRIDE Transitions

Licensed School Nurse

Cassandra "Sandy" Vajda

Buffalo Community Middle School

Licensed Nurse

School Health Educational Support Professionals

Courtney Adair

Tatanka Elementary STEM School

Health Educational Support Professional

Jennifer Babatz

Montrose Elementary School of Innovation

Health Educational Support Professional

Tamra Bjorklund

Hanover Elementary

Health Educational Support Professional

Jody Bremer

Buffalo Community Middle School

Health Educational Support Professional

Rebekah Cook


Health Office Educational Support Professional

Cheri Knop

Discovery Elementary

Health Educational Support Professional

Jenna LePage

Parkside Elementary

Health Education Support Professional

Georgine Lusk

Northwinds Elementary

Health Educational Support Professional

Ava Vialva-Koodie

Buffalo High School

Health Office Educational Support Professional

Grad receiving diploma
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