Preschool Classes | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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Preschool Classes

"The Place to Dream, Believe and Achieve"

Welcome to the Bison Community!

We are excited to have you join our preschool community. Bison Preschool offers educational programs intentionally designed for our youngest learners ages 2.5 to Kindergarten entrance.

Bison Preschool students have opportunities to learn through play, build friendships with peers, engage in music and movement, outdoor play, early academic activities, art, snack, and collaborative large- and small-group routines. Our preschool classrooms are taught by licensed Early Childhood teachers. Children are supported by teaching teams that include general education and special education professionals. We are an inclusive preschool welcoming all children. 

Bison Preschool uses research-based tools designed specifically for early childhood students. These tools include The Creative Curriculum, which guides our learning; Teaching Strategies Gold, an authentic observation-based assessment to measure a child’s progress; and the Pyramid Model, a program-wide initiative to build a child’s social-emotional well-being and development.

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Early Childhood Coordinator
Jen Greenhagen

Little Bison Preschool 
2.5 years old by September 1

Little Bison Preschool is designed for our youngest learners. This class offers opportunities that support a child’s early learning in a smaller group setting. Little Bison Preschool classes focus on your child’s early social-emotional skill development and well-being. Students learn how to take turns, share, trade, and play with peers while building experiences with preschool routines. It is a gentle separating class where parents are encouraged to attend with their child for the first session. In addition, there are opportunities for conversations among parents led by a licensed parent educator one time per month. Parent education topics may include creating positive routines at home, building a child’s self-regulation skills, learning strategies for adults to stay calm, how and why to use visual schedules, and more. 

Little Bison Preschool offerings include: Explore Nature (Montrose Early Education Center), STEAM (Hanover Elementary) and Little Bison Preschool-Ready For More (Discovery Elementary) 

Please note: Parents are responsible for transportation to and from preschool. 


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Bison Preschool
3 years old by September 1

Preschool is an important part of building the skills your child will use as they move toward Kindergarten age. It is an exciting time for children to grow through learning with friends. During our Bison Preschool classes children will experience large- and small-group activities that focus on language development, building social skills and pretend play, as well as early academics, including early literacy, math, and writing skills. There are also opportunities for art, science, and outdoor play activities. Our preschool classes are taught by licensed early childhood teachers, in partnership with early childhood special education teachers, and are created for all children. 

Bison Preschool offerings include, Three, Four, and Five Day All Day Options 

Please Note: Parents are responsible for transportation to and from preschool. 

Unique Offerings: 

Bison Explore Nature Preschool
This unique Bison Preschool option (Hanover Elementary and Montrose Early Education Center) provides children with all of the opportunities of a traditional preschool program with a Nature Inspired focus. Children will have access to indoor and outdoor learning opportunities. Join us as we learn more about the natural world and our place in it. 

Bison All Day Preschool 
This Bison Preschool option is designed for 4- and 5-year-old children the year before Kindergarten. This offering will focus on building friendships, early academic skills, and routines similar to Kindergarten, including eating breakfast and lunch at school. In addition, students will also have a quiet rest time as part of their school day.

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