Construction Updates
Thanks to voter approval of a $41.5-million bond referendum in November of 2023, Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools is pursuing a variety of projects to improve security, building integrity and operating efficiency.
Some improvements took place in 2024, but the majority of the projects are taking place in 2025. Some facility improvements as a result of the bond will continue into 2026, and may extend into 2027.
Click on the list of projects below for additional details and timelines.
* This project list is not final. Additional projects will be added as bids are received and projects are scheduled.
Buffalo High School Projects
Summary: A redesigned entrance will improve security by allowing staff the ability to engage visitors before they enter the schools, not only to contain threats, but also to more effectively greet and orient visitors.
Timeline: March 31-August 15, 2025
Access and traffic:
- The central front area/south side of BHS will not be accessible to students or visitors. The areas will be closed off and clearly marked.
- Visitors must buzz in at Door 7 on the north side of BHS. Visitors will be checked in at the Visitor Desk at Door 7.
- Buses will drop off in the back/north of BHS from April 7th to June 6th. Students will enter BHS through Doors 6 and 7 only.
- Parent drop off will remain at Door 5 through the identified area on the map (see visual). Traffic routing signs will be visible to help everyone safely enter and exit the parking lot. Please review the map below that illustrates the changes in traffic patterns.
- Some south side parking areas may be impacted. Students and visitors are asked not to park in areas marked No Parking.
- Some construction noise may be audible in classrooms. However, we do not anticipate the noise impacting classroom instruction.
- Construction employees will not be inside of Buffalo High School during school hours.
Summary: The existing lighting, sound, leg curtains, seating and orchestra shell are original to Buffalo High School and, after extensive use since 1997, are in need of replacement. Including the summer months and weekends, the PAC was in use nearly two out of every three days during the 2022-23 school year for everything from class lectures to concerts and theater productions.
Timeline: June 16-August 15, 2025
Summary: Portions of roof at BHS have reached the end of their 20-year lifespan and are in need of replacement to prevent additional maintenance issues. The new roofing will be a 4-ply, built-up, bituminous roofing system.
Timeline: Roofing above the Buffalo Activity Center (Fieldhouse) will begin in June of 2025 and be completed in August 2025. Other roof sections will be replaced in the summer of 2026, including the cafeteria and tech ed area.
Summary: A new chiller plant with three packaged air-cooled condensing units will be installed to provide dehumidification to the north side of the building, including the fieldhouse, gyms, locker rooms, cafeteria and Performing Arts Center spaces.
Timeline: June 9-December 2025
Summary: The Library Learning Center (LLC) will be remodeled. Breakout spaces will allow small groups of students to collaborate. New testing rooms will accommodate a larger group of students. Improved sightlines and centrally locating the media specialist counter will improve safety and supervision in this space.
Timeline: June 9-August 15, 2025
Summary: The resource areas will be receiving a facelift to improve the overall environment in these spaces. This will include new flooring, paint, ceilings and lighting.
Timeline: June 9-August 15, 2025
Summary: Both the boys and girls home locker room showers will be converted to single-user shower stalls for improved privacy.
Timeline: June 9-August 15, 2025
Buffalo Community Middle School Projects
Summary: A redesigned entrance will improve security by allowing staff the ability to engage visitors before they enter the schools, not only to contain threats, but also to more effectively greet and orient visitors. The new entrance will also include the administration offices and new conference room space.
Timeline: March 31-August 15, 2025
Summary: The existing office space and student services area will be completely remodeled to meet current building codes and to improve student access to services.
Timeline: June 9-August 15, 2025
Summary: Mechanical systems at BCMS are original to the facility and are over 50 years old. Improvements will include replacing steam systems with more efficient hot water systems, upgrading equipment and adding dehumidification to the BCMS activity areas. The extent of this mechanical upgrade requires that it is done over two summers to minimize any disruptions to the school year. The first phase in 2025 will include all of the main level of the middle school. The second phase in 2026 will include the lower level spaces.
Timeline: June-August 2025 and June-August 2026
Discovery Projects
Summary: A long-standing water infiltration issue will be remedied by redesigning the entrance and creating a small vestibule at Door #6 (the gym entrance).
Timeline: June-August, 2025
Summary: The discovery auditorium will receive some theatrical lighting upgrades, a new backdrop curtain, a new venetian curtain with a new winch, and an LED house lighting upgrade.
Timeline: September-October, 2025 (contingent on final completion of the BHS Performing Arts Center)
Summary: The existing steam heat distribution throughout the building will be converted to low-pressure hot water distribution. The existing steam boilers will remain, and steam will be converted in the boiler room prior to being distributed throughout the building. Conventional dehumidification will also be added to the cafeteria and gymnasium.
Timeline: Design has started and we plan to bid this project in July or August of 2025. Construction is planned for the summer of 2026.
Districtwide Projects
Summary: Installation of rubber unitary surface at playgrounds will improve accessibility for users, create a safe, soft surface, and eliminate the use of wood chips.
Timeline: Summers 2024-2025
Construction updates: The unitary playground surfaces were installed at the Hanover, Montrose and Tatanka playgrounds during the summer of 2024. The surfaces at Northwinds and Discovery/Parkside will be updated in the summer of 2025.
Summary: Exterior doors at five schools, including BHS and BCMS, are locked manually. The installation of automated locking systems at all schools will allow consistent simultaneous locking to improve security.
Timeline: Summer of 2025
Hanover Elementary Projects
Summary: The existing steam heat distribution throughout the building will be converted to low-pressure hot water distribution. The existing steam boilers will remain, and steam will be converted in the boiler room prior to being distributed throughout the building. Conventional dehumidification will also be added to the cafeteria and gymnasium.
Timeline: Design has started and we plan to bid this project in July or August of 2025. Construction is planned for the summer of 2026.
Montrose Elementary Projects
Summary: Direct expansion dehumidification will be added to the air-handling unit that serves the cafeteria.
Timeline: Design has started and we are planning to bid this project in July or August of 2025. Construction is planned for the summer of 2026.
Tatanka Elementary STEM School Projects
Summary: A new rooftop unit will be installed with hot water heating and direct expansion dehumidification to serve the cafeteria.
Timeline: Design has started and we are planning to bid this project in July or August of 2025. Construction is planned for the summer of 2026.