What Makes Hanover Unique | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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What Makes Hanover Unique

students in the classroom

Personalized Learning

Teachers consistently collaborate to ensure that all students learn at high levels. They analyze student data, share ideas and utilize researched-based strategies to meet the needs of each student. Flexible grouping practices in reading and math show excellent, personalized results for all of our students.

teacher with students

Nurturing Environment

We create a warm and welcoming environment where all students feel safe and able to take on new challenges. Our staff build strong relationships with their students, which promote positive and healthy connections. Our well-equipped classrooms, media center, beautiful playground and school forest classroom offer ideal learning environments. 

students using laptops

Meaningful Use of Technology

Technology is integrated into each classroom through the use of iPads, laptops, Smart Boards and classroom sets of Chromebooks for grades 3-5. We use a variety of educational apps, websites and software to improve communication, learning and collaboration.

student putting on helmet for rollerskating

Specialist Classes and Special Programs

Students participate in music, physical education and arts integration. Many special programs also promote student learning. Hornetdale gives students in grades 1-2 practice in money management. Special musical productions are performed by students in grades 2-4 annually. 

students at picnic tables in forest

Outdoor Learning

Hanover Elementary strives to incorporate outdoor learning through visits to our many acre school forest! There are outdoor classrooms, a trail, two feeding stations for our animal friends, a Little Free Library, and even some scattered benches to take in all that nature has to offer!

parent volunteer with student

Strong Parent Involvement

We value parent support and involvement. Around 400 volunteers add to the success of our school every year. Our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) promotes an open line of communication between parents, teachers and administration to give our students extra educational opportunities, what we call the "Hanover Experience." This experience provides our students with opportunities in the classroom and family-focused events. This makes their time at HES more enjoyable and creates a better atmosphere for learning.

Grad receiving diploma
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