The Place to Dream, Believe and Achieve | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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BHM Schools

The Place to Dream, Believe and Achieve

Sue Lee and Melissa Brings

Brings, Lee reflect on school board service

Students in grad gowns

See the BHM Portrait of a Graduate

Student acts out a historical character

BCMS students delve deep on History Day

Student composer acknowledges applause

Student composer featured in concert

Preschool students

Preschool registration now open

Smiling students

Kindergarten registration info

Award winners

Bjornson, Friesz earn Triple 'A' honors

ExCEL Award winners

Molesky, Herbst are ExCEL nominees

Educational Choices

Personalization and innovation drive our learning.

Sky's the Limit

Small district, with big opportunities in academics, arts and athletics.

Strong Relationships

Positive student/staff relationships enhance learning.

Bison Pride

Small-town pride generates a supportive community.


10 Schools Serving Nearly 5,000 Students

BHM Schools unites the communities of Buffalo, Hanover, Montrose and surrounding townships.

Upcoming Events

Principal welcomes students to school

I’ve never met a group of people who cared so much about my kid.

Kim, BCMS Parent
Grad receiving diploma
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Violin player
BHM Videos
Teaching hugging student
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