Academic/GED Study & English Language Learners | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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Academic/GED Study & English Language Learners

Adult Basic Education (ABE) Academic Labs/GED Study

ABE helps adult learners acquire or improve their math, reading, or writing skills for the GED test, college entrance or employment.  Day and evening classes are available. 

  • Location: Discovery Elementary, 301 2nd Ave NE, Buffalo, Room M4
  • Mondays & Wednesdays, between 1:30-4 pm
  • Tuesdays & Thursdays, between 6-8:30 pm
  • Closed same days as BHM School District
  • Closed all of August through the Labor Day holiday
  • For more information, call Terrisa at 763.682.8509, email or drop in.

English Language Learning (ELL/ESL) Class

In this welcoming environment, classes meet the needs of people whose native language is other than English, including recent immigrants, refugees, migrant workers, permanent residents and citizens. In-person classes provide opportunities for reading, writing, listening and speaking practice at all skill levels. Classes are free!

  • Location: Discovery Elementary, 301 2nd Ave NE, Buffalo,  Room M5. 
  • Tuesdays & Thursdays, between 6-8:30 pm.
  • Closed same days as BHM School District.
  • Closed August through the Labor Day holiday.
  • Questions, call Elizabeth at 763.682.8507, email or drop in.
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