Alternate Destination/Address Change | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
If you need additional translation services, contact your school office.

Alternate Destination/Address Change

The school district must have a written agreement with parents of a student to allow the district to pick up or deliver a child to a destination other than the parents' legal residenceEach child is allowed one alternate location only.

New forms need to be completed annually. Alternate Destination forms received after August 5, 2022 will be processed and implemented starting the second week of school. Parents who submit an Alternate Destination form after the deadline will be responsible for transporting their children from the alternate destination during the first week of school. Transportation will be provided for eligible students during the first week of school from the home address on file with the bus company.

Please return the completed form to:

Vision of Buffalo
1111 Bison Blvd
Buffalo, MN 55313

Please call 763.682.3232 if you have any questions.

Alternate Destination/Address Change Forms

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