BCMS Announcements | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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BCMS Announcements

Important Dates

Thursday, February 27
4-7pm at BCMS

Friday, March 7
2-Hour Early Release

Thursday, March 13
BCMS A Little Night Music Band/Choir/Orchestra Concert
7:30pm at PAC

Friday, March 28
No School - End of 3rd Quarter

Monday, March 31 - Friday, April 4
No School - Spring Break

Athletics and Activities

Activities Weekly Schedule

Monday, February 24

Chamber Orchestra: 3:30-4:30pm rehearsal in room 312. 

6th Grade Singers: 3:30-4:30pm rehearsal in room 425.

Yearbook: 3:30-4:30pm meeting in room 603. 

Tuesday, February 25

Bison Singers: 8:25-8:45am rehearsal in room 423. 

Chamber Choir: 3:30-4:45pm rehearsal in room 425. 

Wednesday, February 26

Jazz Band: 3:30-4:30pm rehearsal in the band room. 

Friday, February 28

Bison Singers: 8:25-8:45am rehearsal in room 423. 


  • Strength and Conditioning (Monday/Wednesday session with Mr. Quernemoen) will not meet on Monday, February 24.
  • Strength and Conditioning (Tuesday/Thursday session with Mr. Anderson) will not meet on Thursday, February 27. 
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