BCMS scientists attend Spark STEM event | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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January 11, 2024

BCMS scientists attend Spark STEM event

From water quality studies to winter wildlife survival, and from croyogenics to “yo yo’s and the science of spin,” 45 students from Buffalo Community Middle School soaked in some fascinating concepts at the Spark STEM Conference on Friday, Jan. 5.

The event, organized by Resource Training & Solutions and hosted by St. Cloud State University, aimed to demonstrate how fun and interesting science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) can be when students use them to study their surroundings.

More than 20 sessions were offered to students in grades 3-8 from around the region. BCMS attendees were sixth-grade Quest Science class members, as well as other sixth-grade science students who were nominated to attend.  

BCMS students also participated in sessions on creating simulations with artificial intelligence, examining the impact of water-borne pollution by testing the effects of caffeine and other chemicals on minnows, an “insect safari,” and more.

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