Nutrition Services | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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Students smiling at lunch table

Nutrition Services

Nutrition Services

Our schools provide healthy meals each day.  All students are allowed one breakfast and one lunch free of charge through the MInnesota Free Meals for Kids Program each day at school. 

Eating breakfast and lunch is critical to student learning and student health. A well-nourished child is able to focus, concentrate, and learn. Nutrition Services at each of our schools prepares healthy and delicious school meals that meet or exceeds USDA standards.

We offer a wide variety of fresh fruit and vegetables daily for students to choose from, along with their choice of skim or chocolate skim milk. 

Milk is $0.50 if students choose to purchase one to accompany their lunch from home.

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2024-25 Prices 

Breakfast Meal Prices
Elementary:  $0.00
Secondary:  $0.00
Non-Student/Second Meal: $2.50

Lunch Meal Prices
Elementary:  $0.00
Secondary:  $0.00
Non-Student/Second Meal: $5.00

Meal Account Policy

Meal Payments

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