Driver's Education | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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Driver's Education

The Community Education office is open Monday-Friday, 8 am-330 pm (except holidays and some non-school days) to assign a Behind-the-Wheel (BTW) instructor, pick up the Blue Card, etc. If you have questions, call Community Education at 763.682.8770.

If you need to pay your student's behind-the-wheel No Show fee, CLICK HERE to be directed to our registration site. 

BHM Community Education offers classroom instruction throughout the year (Fall A, Sept-Oct), (Fall B, Oct-Nov), (Winter, Jan-Feb), (Spring A, Feb-March), (Spring B, April-May) and many options throughout the summer.  It is recommended students are age 15 by the last day of classroom instruction as this is the age the student needs to be to take the Written Knowledge Test. Our program fee includes 30 hours of classroom instruction, 6 hours of behind-the-wheel instruction with a licensed teacher AND all classroom materials!

Behind-the-Wheel (BTW) instruction is offered year-round. BTW instruction is typically scheduled one-hour each month for six months. Once you have your Instructional Permit, do not wait to schedule your first BTW instruction.

Driver’s Education is not funded by the State of Minnesota. Therefore, all costs must be incurred by the family upon registering. (No discounts or scholarships are available for the driver education program.)

Online registration is the fastest and easiest way to register. Click the Register Online button or download and print the registration form below.  To register by phone, or if you have questions, call 763.682.8770. 

Check out this helpful link from The MN Department of Public Safety, Parents' Role in Developing Safe Teen Drivers

Other helpful information and forms are below as well. Check them out!


Register Online




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