301 2nd Ave NE
Buffalo, MN 55313
United States
Community Education
KidKare Information
School year program dates: September 3, 2024 - Friday, June 6, 2025
Summer program dates: June 11-August 22, 2025
KidKare is CLOSED:
Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day After Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, President's Day, and Memorial Day, the Monday and Tuesday prior to the start of our summer program, Juneteenth, Independence Day, and the week prior to the next school year start date. Please note that KidKare may be closed on additional days, depending on the year and specific holiday schedule.
School Age Care Program Rates (Ages 5-12)
1st Child: Before school: $7.75 After school: $14.50 Full Day: $39.50 Early Release Day: $27.50
Additional Child(ren): Before school: $7.25 After school: $13.50 Full Day: $37.50 Early Release Day: $25.50
KinderKids Program Rates (Ages 3-5 not yet in Kindergarten)
1st Child: Full day: $39.50 1/2 day: $27.50 (either am or pm)
Additional Child(ren): Full day: $37.50 1/2 day: $25.50 (either am or pm)
Wrap around ECFE care: $31.50 per day
Summer Program Rates (Ages 3-12)
1st Child: Full day: $40.50 1/2 day: $28.50 (either am or pm)
Additional Child(ren): Full day: $38.50 1/2 day: $26.50 (either am or pm)
Drop-ins will be charged an additional $5 per day.
Breakfast, Lunch, and Snack
Breakfast and lunch is available for through BHM Food Services on regular school days for our KinderKids program.
Families will need to provide a cold lunch from home on non-school days.
KidKare provides an afternoon snack daily.
In the summer, breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack are provided daily. Lunch from home on Fridays.
Inclement Weather Details
KidKare is open on days that school is closed due to inclement weather. If school starts late or closes early, KidKare will be open 6 am - 6 pm. We ask parents to please use their best judgment and try to pick up their children as early as possible so our staff can get home safely too!
2-hour late start: Before school charges still incur. Any KidKare student can drop in if care is needed. ($5 drop in fee does apply.)
School closed: Only families that attend will be charged. All other charges will be credited or removed.