Parent-Child Classes | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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Parent-Child Classes

ECFE's mission is to support and strengthen parents by providing techniques and involvement in your child's life. Parents can also consider joining the ECFE Advisory Council that assists the ECFE program coordinator in planning for relevant and responsive ECFE programming. For more information contact


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Early Childhood Coordinator:
Jen Greenhagen


Mixed Ages

Parents and children have playtime together. Parents will separate and have a discussion led by a Parent Educator. For children, playtime continues with a child educator. (Limit 10)

Ages: Birth-5 years of age
Buffalo, Discovery Center
Montrose Early Education Center
Hanover Elementary


Terrific Tuesdays

Ages 2 years  to Grade 2
Join our ECFE staff for a family style pizza dinner from 5:30-6pm. After, parents will participate in a parent discussion group to learn, share experiences, and support one another in the journey of parenting. The children remain with a licensed ECFE teacher for age appropriate activities.  Limit 12  

Ages: Birth - 2nd grade
Montrose Early Education Center



For families who may, or are currently accessing Early Intervention Services

Parents will join a parent educator for discussion about the joys and challenges of parenting, while the children remain with ECFE staff and enjoy activities designed just for them. Limit 12

Ages: Birth - 5 years of age

Buffalo, Discovery Center
Montrose, Montrose Early Education Center


Family Learning

ECFE partners with WEST ABE (Adult Basic Education) to provide a family class. Parents have learning time with their children, study English, and participate in parenting education discussions. 

ECFE se asocia con WEST ABE (Educación básica para adultos) para brindar una clase familiar. Los padres tienen tiempo de aprendizaje con sus hijos, estudian inglés y participan en debates sobre educación para padres.

Parent with child(ren) 6 months to kindergarten age.

Buffalo, Discovery Center

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