Parent & Community Volunteers | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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Parent & Community Volunteers

"Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart."

There are many opportunities for parents and community members to contribute their time and talents to the school. Everyone benefits from these contributions. You will receive information on volunteer opportunities throughout the year through classroom teachers, school announcements and through our parent volunteer coordinator if you have filled out the form indicating your interest. Please call the school office if you have questions regarding these volunteering opportunities.

Many of the opportunities below require a background check through the school district when you are working with or supervising students. You can find more information regarding the background check through the Volunteer Background Check link. If you are in the building for a visit or volunteering, please follow the school safety plan by stopping at the office, signing in and wearing a visitor/volunteer name tag.

Parent Volunteer opportunities:
(these type of activities DO require a background check)

  • Helping in the lunchroom with PIN numbers, supervising students or helping serve meals the first two weeks of school
  • Fall Festival (helping at an event station)
  • Scholastic Book Fair (helping students pick up books, run cash register for checking out)
  • Bingo (Winter & Spring- setting up prize tables, helping student pick out prizes)
  • End of year School Party (helping at an event station)
  • Track & Field days (the PhyEd teacher will send home a separate volunteer form for this)

Classroom Volunteer opportunities (please arrange these through the classroom teacher):

  • Classroom help with students 
  • Field Trip chaperone 


A background check is NOT needed for the following volunteer activities:

  • Providing conference meal items for staff on conference nights
  • Working on projects at home for a classroom teacher (arrange directly with teacher)



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