Parent Drop-off/ Pick Up and Safe Dismissal Reminders | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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Parkside building with bus

Parent Drop-off/ Pick Up and Safe Dismissal Reminders

If a child is arriving late to school, we ask that an adult personally check the child in at the office. You will need to sign your child in and obtain a pass for class. If a child needs to leave early during the school day, please come in to the office to sign the student out. Our school is located on city streets, so visitor parking is limited.

See the Parent Drop off & Pick up information below for additional details:

  • Students enter before school begins and exits with their classroom at the end of the school day through specific doors to avoid congestion. In the morning Kindergarten and 1st graders can enter through Door #2 and Grades 2-5 through the main entrance at Door #1. 
  • No parking in front of the school on either curb during drop off and dismissal times (approximately 7:10-7:45 am and 2:00-2:40 pm).  This is a school bus loading zone.
  • Parent pick up/drop off is the far end of 3rd Street NE down near the mega playground & Lions Park.  Go one block past the school to access this street (turn left on 2nd St. NE, and left on 3rd Ave., then right on 3rd St. NE and continue toward the playground). Loop through the playground parking lot and pull up along the curb.

         Parent Pick up / Drop off MAP

  • No loading or unloading between Discovery and Parkside.  No U-turns on this street.
  • Dismissal is at 2:25 p.m. unless you have notified the office in advance.  Parents may wait in front of the school for children to exit the building. Teachers walk their students out through the following specified doors: Kindergarten and 1st Grade exits through Door # 2, Grades 2-3 through Door #1 and Grades 4-5 through Door #6. Please do not wait inside the foyer between the double front doors, so that classrooms can exit safely.
  • Please do not stop to visit with friends in the front sidewalk area after picking up your children - this space is needed for safe dismissal and bus loading.
  • Picking up students before the 2:25 dismissal time (unless for a pre-approved appointment or emergency) results in an unexcused early out.

Thank you for your cooperation in helping us keep our students safe each day with arrival and dismissal.


*Safety Reminder
Parents:  Please make sure to call or send a note to school if you want your child to ride home from school with anyone else besides a parent. We have had instances where neighbors or friends of students have offered to give them a ride home, especially students who walk to and from school.  We want to make sure this is only done with parent permission.  Please talk with your children to make sure they know what you want them to do in these instances to make good choices.  Thank you for helping us keep your children safe.

Also, remember that it is against the school bus policies for a student to ride home on a friend's bus route for a play date or a party.  Please contact the school office or the bus company at 763.682.3232 if you have questions regarding this.

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