Referral Process | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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Referral Process


If there is a concern about your child, you, your child’s teacher, or an outside provider can make a referral to the building’s problem-solving team. The team may implement systematic interventions in an attempt to improve your child’s functioning in the area(s) of concern. If after two interventions your child continues to be significantly behind his/her peers, in the area(s) of concern, the team may decide to pursue an evaluation to consider Special Education or Section 504.

Referrals can take place at any time. If referrals are received with less than 30 school days remaining in the school year the evaluation may carry over to the following school year.


A comprehensive assessment is completed by a multi-disciplinary team. Areas addressed include academic, social, emotional, behavioral, attention, motor, cognitive, and sensory. The multi-disciplinary team may include the classroom teacher, parents, school psychologist, school social worker, special education teacher, related service personnel, and the building administrator.


If a child qualifies for special education services, a team is convened including the parent/guardian, to develop an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Services may be provided in the regular education classroom or special education setting. Services may be provided through consultation with the classroom teacher or directly with licensed special education personnel.

If you suspect your child has a disability which affects their access to a free and appropriate education, contact your building administrator, school psychologist, or the Special Services Department at 763.682.8715. If your child is enrolled in home school or private school, please contact the Special Services Department at 763.682.8715.

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