Sturgeon earns 'Star of the North Award' | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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January 31, 2023

Sturgeon earns 'Star of the North Award'

BHM students earn award in back-to-back years

Student and teacher hold scholarship check


Congratulations to the 2023 MEGT Star of the North Award winner Bridgette Sturgeon. The award, which is presented by the Minnesota Educators of the Gifted and Talented, is presented at the group's yearly conference to a Minnesota student between grades five and eight who has shown outstanding accomplishment in academics, visual or performing arts, or leadership.

Sturgeon is an eighth-grader at Buffalo Community Middle School and a member of the Quest program. She is the daughter of Mike and Kelly Sturgeon of Buffalo. In addition to outstanding academic performance, Bridgette competes in cross country and soccer, where she has competed in the TCSL final four. She has also competed in a tough mudder.

In addition to her physical accomplishments, Bridgette is focused on volunteering. She volunteers at White Pine Threshing, where she originally baked fry bread for visitors. She now helps to run the saw mill. She also is involved in the arts in sewing, word arts and playing the cello.

The award, which is in its 23rd year, comes with a $500 scholarship. Sturgeon is the second BHM student to win the award in as many years. Pictured here are Rob Nosbush, BHM Gifted Services Coordinator, and Sturgeon holding her scholarship award check.  

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