AVID | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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AVID, which stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination, is a nationwide, nonprofit college readiness system. AVID's guiding principle is as follows: Hold students accountable to the highest standards, provide academic and social support, and they will rise to the challenge.  Students are empowered through AVID's focus on the growth of critical academic skills and behaviors.  Student growth in the areas of WICOR (writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization and reading) serve as a foundation for student success with rigorous coursework.

The AVID College Readiness System includes three fundamental elements: AVID Elementary, the AVID Elective course, and AVID Schoolwide.

For more information, please contact Nancy Eiynck at 763.682.8767 or neiynck@bhmschools.org

“AVID has helped me stay organized and prepared for classes.”

-7th Grade AVID Student


"AVID has really helped me stay on track.  I definitely understand things better because of the TRF's, having to ask questions, and presenting them in class."

-8th Grade AVID Student

“I like AVID because it helps me stay organized and tutorials help me think through big projects… I like how I get to hear other people’s ideas in class.”

-8th Grade AVID Student

AVID Elementary

AVID Elementary is designed to be a part of daily instructional practice and learning for all students. AVID elementary incorporates:

Student Success Skills - Students have the opportunity to learn and practice key academic skills such as: effective communication (listening, speaking, writing), note-taking, self-advocacy and critical thinking.

Organizational Skills - Students learn to organize their thoughts, time and materials by using organizational tools, setting goals and practicing time management skills. 

WICOR Lessons - Students have opportunities in all content areas to receive frequent instruction on, and practice with, writing to learn, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading to learn (WICOR) strategies.

Partnerships - Valuable partnerships are developed among students, classrooms, grade levels, schools, families and communities.

AVID Elective Course

The AVID Elective course at BHM Schools is available to students in grades 7-12. The AVID Elective class focuses on the further development and refinement of WICOR (writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization and reading) skills, provides the structure for students to be successful with rigorous courses, and highlights the importance of using academic tools for post-secondary success.  Students selected to be a part of the elective class aspire to attend college, and they demonstrate the individual determination and work ethic that are needed to reach their goals.

AVID Schoolwide

The AVID system affects schoolwide change at the secondary level by transforming practices and beliefs in the four domains listed below.

Instruction: Instruction is how we facilitate learning.  Best instructional practices are used to ensure that all students have the opportunity for improved academic performance.

Systems: Systems are what we create.  Educational systems are examined, developed, refined and aligned to lead to improved academic student performance.  

Leadership: Leadership is what we do. Educational leaders collaborate to set a common vision and ensure that students have the best educational opportunities in all classrooms. 

Culture: Culture is what we allow. Schools focus on beliefs and behaviors which promote college readiness and high expectations for all.

Nancy Eiynck


Educational Equity Coordinator

AVID District Director

Megan Losey

Buffalo Community Middle School

BCMS AVID Coordinator | AVID 8

Andrea Koltes

Buffalo Community Middle School

English Teacher | AVID 8

Nicki Schahn

Buffalo Community Middle School

Health Teacher | AVID 7

Brandon Aldrich

Buffalo High School

English Teacher/AVID 9

Melissa Bertsch

Buffalo High School

English Teacher

Lacy Schramm

Buffalo High School

Social Studies Teacher | AVID 11

Jess Nickelsen

Buffalo High School

AVID 10 Teacher | LLC/Peer Coaching Coordinator

Jackson Litterer

Buffalo High School

BHS AVID Coordinator

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