Get Involved | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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Get Involved

We'd love for you to volunteer at our school! We welcome parents and guardians, grandparents and community businesses and members.

Any volunteer, employee, substitute, coach, or student teacher at Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools must have a Criminal Background Investigation check through our district completed and approved, before their first day of employment or before volunteering in the BHM school district.

To complete the Criminal Background Investigation, please print and complete the Background Authorization Form, then turn your form in to the MESI office. Once your form is submitted the office will send you an email through the Trusted Employees website that contains a link to log on to their secure website where you will enter your personal information to complete your background check.  A credit or debit card will be needed for payment. The fee is currently $14. 
If you DO NOT have any access to a computer or a debit/credit card, please contact the school office for manual entry instructions.

*At this time we are not able to accept copies of background checks from other districts or employers.


BHM Background Investigation

BHM Volunteer Guidelines

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