What Makes Discovery Unique | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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What Makes Discovery Unique

Our Mission
We provide community connections and a focus on social, emotional, and intellectual development in a multiage setting that gives our students authentic learning opportunities using creativity and critical thinking to prepare them for a changing world.

Discovery Elementary Front Entrance

School of Choice

Discovery is a school of choice. Any student within the district in grades K-5 can apply for placement, which is determined through a lottery process. Each year, the lottery is held in February for admittance into kindergarten. 

Teacher with students doing art projects

Multi-Age Instruction and Looping

Multi-age instruction (grades 1-2 and 3-5) ensures differentiated, individualized instruction that challenges students to reach their full potential and grow individually. Looping allows students to remain with a teacher for two to three years, which personalizes learning and develops positive relationships. Kindergarten is a stand-alone grade at Discovery. 

Discovery teacher with students discussing plants

Hands-On Learning

Hands-on experiences promote active learning, problem solving and collaboration. In our classrooms you'll find students working cooperatively, often in small groups, conducting investigations, exploring key concepts and principles and figuring out solutions to challenges. 

Discovery student with an electronic tablet

Meaningful Use of Technology

A purposeful use of technology enhances learning outcomes, and a 2:1 student-to-device ratio ensures access for all. BHM School partner with Google Apps for Education to improve communication, learning and collaboration. 

students packing food for the food shelf

Caring Connections

Students learn more when they form connections between themselves and their community. Two days per week, students participate in a mixed K-5 called "Town Square." Here they have opportunities to develop life skills such as respect for others, citizenship and leadership. Community Service projects are embedded into learning experiences in "Town Square" and regular classes. Students remain with their same K-5 "Town Square" classes through their years at Discovery. 

students playing bells

Daily Specialist Classes

All students have 25 minutes of both physical education and music every day. Classroom teachers also accompany their students to the nearby Parkside Elementary Library weekly. 

parent and kids working on an art project

Strong Parent Involvement

Strong parent involvement contributes to a culture of sharing and engagement at Discovery. Our Parent Involvement Committee works with staff to plan many activities each school year to increase belonging and participation. Parents volunteer in the classroom and help organize such activities as a back-to-school open house, book fairs, "Town Square" readers, Art Adventure, a year-end celebration, Thanksgiving food drive, an annual community Family Fun Night carnival and much more. 

teacher helping a student

My children say Discovery is a welcoming environment, with teachers who are very understanding of the students, and that it feels like a home away from home because everyone cares so much. 

Amy, parent
Grad receiving diploma
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