Program History | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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Program History

When did the Quest program start?


One Grade 4-5 Classroom

Cohort of 6th graders who would have enriched/accelerated math, English, science and social studies.


Expand to include 2nd, 3rd and 7th grade


Expand to include 8th grade


Expand to include 9th grade

Elementary Program moved to Parkside Elementary

What graduating class was the first to have this experience? 

The first class to be in Quest program graduated in 2017 and the first graduating class with students who could have been in the program since 2nd grade graduated in 2022.

How many students were involved in the Quest program when it started? 

Approximately 50 in grades 4-5-6.


How many students are involved in the Quest program currently? 

Currently there are approximately 120 students in the program from grades 2-9.


Are we the only district that has a full time gifted program like Quest? 

In Minnesota there are about 13 full time school within a school modeled programs.  However, BHM is one of the few which offers a full time program from grades 2-9.  Many others are only part of the elementary school programs.  


At what age can students enroll in the Quest program? 

Students can apply in 1st grade for 2nd grade in the upcoming school year. 

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