Comparisons | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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Administration Comparison Chart 2022-23

District Administration includes costs related to the school board, the office of the superintendent, and other central office operations such as business and legal services, personnel, printing and school census.  Building Administration includes expenditures for the administration of individual schools, including the cost of one licensed principal or a pro-rated amount if the principal is shared between sites and his/her immediate office.  

Regular Instruction Comparison Chart 2022-23

Expenditures for elementary and secondary classroom instruction including regular, vocational, and special education. It also includes cocurricular and extra curricular activities. It includes salaries and fringe benefits of teachers, classroom aides and coaches and expenditures for class room supplies and textbooks.

General Fund Expenditure Chart 2022-23

The General Fund is used to account for educational activities, district instructional and student support programs, expenditures for the superintendent, idistrict administration, normal operations and maintenance, pupil transportation, capital expenditures, and legal school district expenditures not specifically designated to be accounted for in any other fund. Does not include equipment, land or building purchases.

For additional information:

Please visit the Minnesota Department of Education's website. MDE's new data center is designed to provide parents, educators, school districts and citizens with easy access to test results, revenue and expenditure date, demographic information and other critical data.

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