Truth in Taxation | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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Truth in Taxation

Certify 2023 Payable 2024 Levy

The board approved the 2023 Payable 2024 tax levy of $22,100,691.30. The recommended levy total is $1,685,765.74 or 8.26% more than the Pay 2023 levy.  The district’s estimated referendum market value increased by 15.30% and the estimated net tax capacity value increased by 18.64%.  As a result, individual taxpayers with a valuation of $330,000 and who qualify for the homestead exclusion will see a decrease of $107 per year in property taxes. 

The levy increase is primarily due to changes in debt obligations.  The levy for the Alternative Facilities Bonds 2013A came to an end and the debt levy for the new Building Bonds 2024A was added.   Also, as a result of the levy reduction for the Alternative Facilities Bonds 2013A, $880,000 of LTFM aid was reclassified back to the General Fund reducing its levy. Other factors include changes in equalization aid, prior-year levy adjustments, and lower enrollment-based revenue.

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