PRIDE Transitions School Supplies | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
If you need additional translation services, contact your school office.

PRIDE Transitions School Supplies

*  2 Boxes of Tissues (Kleenex)

*  Daily Planner that includes the school year starting in September thru June, and has Monthly & Daily Notations (doesn’t need to be fancy)  *If your student plans to use an electronic planner, this item is not required.*

*  Jump Drive/Flash Drive any size but does not need to be larger than 2 GB.   (These go on sale for as little as $5.)

*  Standard Pencils & Pens, Personal Folders, Paper, Erasable Pens (Black or Blue)

*  Binder to hold daily work

*  Clear Sheet Protectors (pkg of 20) IF this is your first year enrolled in PRIDE. Please note that sheets at the Family Dollar do NOT fit!

*  Set of 10 Insertable Divider Tabbed pages (pages that have the colored tabs already attached) IF this is your first year enrolled in PRIDE

*  Glue Stick

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