School Information | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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School Information


In partnerships with the students, families, and community resources, PRIDE Transitions strives to empower individuals to recognize their value and potential while instilling the desire to be life-long contributing members of their communities.

Philosophy Statement

Every person can enjoy success through meaningful endeavors.

Work-Based Learning

Each student has the opportunity and is encouraged to participate in work-based learning, where students maintain employment during the school day. Regular meetings are held with the student at the school, on the job site, or in the community to discuss employment issues. The work-based learning coordinator is required to maintain verification of the student's employment schedule, work evaluations, training agreement and plan, and maintain regular contact with the student's employer.

Case Management

Each student is assigned a case manager. The case manager is the student's primary contact related to the Individual Educational Plan (IEP) and graduation plan. The case manager develops a class schedule and meets regularly with the student to ensure progress is being made.


Students enrolled in PRIDE Transitions graduate based on IEP goals and graduation plan attainment. For new students, an IEP team meeting will be held to develop the graduation plan. When the IEP team determines the student has met the expectations regarding goal and graduation progress, the student will provide data that support exiting the program to receive a diploma.

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