What Makes PRIDE Unique | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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What Makes PRIDE Unique

teacher with a student at a computer

Flexible Schedule

Each student's daily schedule is dependent upon the needs identified in his or her IEP (Individual Education Plan) and graduation plan. The primary program operates Monday through Friday, from 9:00 am - 3:15 pm. Classes at Wright Technical Center are also available to PRIDE students. Core areas of instruction include:

  • Jobs and Job Training
  • Community Participation
  • Post-Secondary Education
  • Home Living
  • Recreation and Leisure
PRIDE student working at Culvers

Work-Based Learning

Each student has the opportunity and is encouraged to participate in work-based learning, where students maintain employment during the school day. Regular meetings are held with the student at the school, on the job site, or in the community to discuss employment issues, schedule evaluations and training agreement and plan.

PRIDE student vacuuming

Real Life Experiences

A crucial element of the program involves students learning from "real life" experiences such as shopping at the grocery store, utilizing public transportation, exercising at a local fitness center, or opening a checking account at a bank to promote social and independent living skills.

PRIDE 2019 graduates

Supporting Goals to Graduation

Each student is assigned a case manager. The case manager is the student's primary contact related to the IEP and graduation plan. The case manager develops a class schedule and meets regularly with the student to ensure progress is being made. Students enrolled in PRIDE Transitions graduate based on IEP goals and graduation plan attainment.

Grad receiving diploma
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