What Makes Northwinds Unique | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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What Makes Northwinds Unique

Reward School Logo

Academic Achievement

Northwinds was named a Reward School by the Minnesota Department of Education for its top 15% performance in proficiency, growth, and achievement gap reduction. 

Special needs student walking in the hall

Focused Instruction

Small group instruction helps us teach to individual needs, whether the child requires interventions or more challenging instruction. We monitor progress closely to determine the learning path for each student. 

teacher showing a brain illustration

Brain Smart Focus

As a school focused on the strengths of the whole child, we emphasize positive interactions and self-monitoring of our feelings and thoughts, and promote confidence in out ability to work with others. We accomplish this through the use of "brain smart strategies." Students and staff learn how the brain influences their reactions to situations based on their surrounding environment. This promotes self-regulation and better decision making overall. 

male student on a tablet

Technology Integration

All classrooms employ technology to enhance student learning. We use a variety of apps, websites and software to engage students and make learning more meaningful. Northwinds students and teachers also benefit from on-site technology coaches who help support staff and students with these efforts.

NES Gym Class

Specialized Classes

Students explore and grow in three specialized classes: Music, Physical Education, and Innovation Station. Innovation Station incorporates the four Cs (Collaborate, Communicate, Critical Thinking and Creativity) into students' learning to prepare them for a fast-changing world. 

parent working on an art project with kids

Family/School Partnerships

As partners, we value and encourage parent involvement. There are many opportunities for families to be involved in our school. Our vibrant, active Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO) raises money for teachers to purchase items needed for classrooms. The PTO also plans and runs popular family events such as the Fall Festival, Family Fitness Night, and an Ice Cream Social. 

Grad receiving diploma
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