BCMS School Supplies | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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BCMS School Supplies

The BCMS Bison Binder

Who: For BCMS Students

What: BCMS School Supplies - The Bison Binder is available to purchase for $35

Where\When:  BCMS Open House or at BCMS starting August 12th from 7 am - 3 pm (Monday-Thursday) in the front office.

Why: The zipper Bison Binders are part of our organizational education.  It is helpful when we are teaching students how to organize themselves so that they all have the same starting supplies.

*Calculators are needed but not included.

6th & 7th grade: Texas Instruments TI-30XIIS Scientific Calculator

8th grade: Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus Graphics Calculator

Check out the link below for a step-by-step assembly guide.

Step-by-step Assembly Guide

Binder and supplies


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