Middle School Enrollment | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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Middle School Enrollment

Welcome to BCMS!

Our middle school makes decisions based on "Doing What's Best for Kids." Students start their day either in "Prime Time" or "WIN Time." Prime Time is where students learn about themselves and participate in team-building activities, along with academic work time. "What I Need," or WIN Time, is an opportunity for students to sign up with one of their teachers to receive extra help, make up work, enjoy enrichment or even join a book club. Students sign up for WIN Time each week. The school day is made up of six class periods, including core classes and electives where they can learn, grow and succeed.

To register at Buffalo Community Middle School, please contact registrar Kim Young by email, stop in or phone, 763.682.8207. You can fill out forms below prior to your visit and bring them with you, or forms are available at BCMS. At your registration visit you can expect to:

  • Have an explanation of the BCMS school day
  • Tour the building
  • Sign-up for the Campus Parent Portal (online student information for parents)
  • Set up a lunch account
  • Receive sports and activities information
  • Purchase locks
  • Sign up for our "First Friend" Program

We look forward to your child starting as a student here at BCMS. If you would like additional information, please feel free to contact the main office or one of the principals.

The Quest program services highly gifted students (top two to three percent) in grades 2-9 and is a tuition-free school within a school. Quest provides challenging and engaging curriculum in math, social studies, science and English. If you think your child might qualify for the program, you are encouraged to request assessment. For more information - 


Open Enroll

Under the Enrollment Options Program, students in Minnesota can enroll in a public school outside the district in which they live. This enrollment option encourages parents to become knowledgeable about the needs and interests of their children.

If you are interested in open enrolling your student in our district, please submit the BHM Open Enrollment form to Technology and Information Services. Contact Jamie Reineccius at 763.682.8737 or by email.

BHM Open Enrollment

Other forms needed to open enroll to BHM include:

BHM  Registration

BHM Health & Emergency

BHM Health & Emergency - ESPAñol

MDH Potassium Iodide (KI)

BHM Potassium iodide (KI) consent

BHM Potassium Iodide (KI) consent - español

Ethnic and Racial Demographics Designation

BHM Records Request

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