Phoenix Learning Center | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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Phoenix Learning Center

Phoenix Learning Center is a "student choice" alternative high school program serving 16-21 year old students in the Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose School District.  Students from outside the district may open enroll, but priority goes to in-district students.   Phoenix students know the value and importance of a high school diploma.  Phoenix offers an alternative pathway to graduation, with a focus on supporting students’ social and emotional learning alongside rigorous academics.  Phoenix students who have struggled with anxiety, depression, organization, time management, and social connection and belonging develop the skills to be successful in high school and beyond.

Student is/has been:

  • 16 - 21 years old
  • Grade 10th - 12th+
  • Has made significant progress towards graduation based on grade level
  • Needs variety
  • Needs flexibility
  • Needs a smaller setting
  • Desires direction from an advisor
  • Is an independent learner
  • Is committed to his/her education
  • Thought process is not hampered by chemical usage
  • Is self-motivated
  • Performing substantially below performance on a local achievement test
  • At least one year behind in satisfactorily completing coursework
  • Pregnant or a parent
  • Been assessed as chemically dependent
  • Physically or sexually abused
  • Experienced mental health problems
  • Homeless sometime in the last six months
  • Limited English proficiency or speaks English as a second language
  • Referred by a school district for enrollment in an eligible nontraditional program
  • Chronically truant or has withdrawn from school
  • Excluded or expelled
  • Referred by the school district
  • Being treated in a hospital in the seven-county metropolitan area for cancer or other life threatening illness or is the sibling of an eligible pupil who is being currently treated

Phoenix Learning Center Students Commit to:

  • Be fully invested in the growth of self and others
  • Identify present struggles and work towards overcoming those challenges
  • Learn skills needed for lifelong success
  • Maintain a positive attendance pattern, which includes being present at school and on time to classes
  • Make healthy lifestyle choices both in and out of school and be honest with staff members about these choices
  • Respect self, peers, staff, and all Phoenix Learning Center/BHS resources and policies
  • Strive to be successful in all classes and utilize academic supports when necessary
  • Use and seek out school and community resources to support academic and lifelong success

Is Phoenix right for you? Find out by taking a tour and having your questions answered by Phoenix staff and student ambassadors.

  • Current BHS Students:
    • Contact your school counselor to set up a tour during the school day and receive an application. Application document and personal essay should be submitted to your school counselor. After a completed application is received, next steps include:
      • Student & Family/Guardian interview
      • Schedule meeting with counselor
      • Enrollment paperwork, including credit check and goal setting
  • Out of District Students:
    • Contact BHS Student Services to schedule a 10-15 minute tour outside of school hours.  Student information will be requested from your home district, including transcript, special services, and attendance records.  Please complete your Phoenix application and personal essay in advance.  After your initial tour, next steps include:
      • Transcript and credit review by BHS Student Services
      • 30 minute interview with student, guardian, Phoenix staff
      • Transfer of enrollment from home district to Buffalo High School
      • Schedule meeting with counselor
Grad receiving diploma
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