What Makes BCMS Unique | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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What Makes BCMS Unique

kids looking at a science experiment

Relationships Come First

Our students are able to meet rigorous academic challenges because we get to know them personally and demonstrate how information and learning are relevant to their lives. This personalized approach to learning promotes the connections, skills and accountability necessary for success for all students. Every student has an advisor to guide her or him through all three years.

kids high-fiving each other

Our Students Belong

We organize 6th and 7th graders into teams to promote a collaborative, small group atmosphere. Our peer mentorship program, WEB (Where Everybody Belongs), pairs 8th graders with 6th graders to ease the transition to middle school and create a school culture of belonging and contributing.

two student working together

Unmatched Learning Opportunities

Our school-wide AVID program helps students find their passion and prepare for college and careers. All students receive a Bison Binder with a planner and supplies to increase their organizational skill-set.

Quest is an accelerated learning program, serving the top 3-5% of the student body who need more challenge. Students take accelerated English, social studies, math and science classes and mix in with their grade level for music, art, physical education, electives and lunch. 

students working with laptops around a smart board

Smart Technology

BCMS uses technology to support high-quality instruction and student learning. We are a leader in integration, with sophisticated computer labs, Chromebooks, SMART Boards, iPads, laptops, LCD projectors and wireless access points available throughout the building to support learning. Increased access to technology provides our students with opportunities to process ideas, collaborate with their peers and extend learning beyond the classroom walls.

orchestra students

Personalized Learning and Electives

Innovative classes and elective opportunities in tech ed, Family and Consumer Science, physical education, health and technology promote personalized learning. Students also have access to a top-notch music program with many vocal and instrumental options.

teacher helping students on laptops

Caring Teachers and Staff

Our students quickly learn that BCMS teachers can be counted on for support. We listen to our parents and youth—to their ideas and needs—and involve them meaningfully in decision-making. Our staff understands the importance of helping students set and achieve their goals. In every classroom at BCMS, every day, you’ll see relevant and rigorous curriculum delivered. Our staff are certified experts in their content area, with more than 80% of our teachers having earned their master’s degrees.

girls soccer team

Explore All of the "Extras"

The middle school years are a great time to explore school-sponsored sports and activities. The BCMS activities program is designed to help students have fun, develop new friendships, advance skill levels, and have challenging and rewarding experiences. Our coaches and advisors share a holistic philosophy about the well-being of the middle school child. 

students high-fiving

All Means All at BCMS

We believe in the abilities and talents of every student and meet our young people where they are at, with the resources and a supportive community that they need to be successful. All students are equally important and all students have the opportunity to succeed at BCMS. 

Grad receiving diploma
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