What Makes BHS Unique | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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What Makes BHS Unique

Buffalo Bison head

In partnership with our families and community, Buffalo High School prepares each student for a successful future. In an academically rigorous and supportive environment, we prioritize learning, equity, and meaningful relationships. Together, we value student agency, growth, and connections.

BHS Mission Statement: Our Guide
students by a chalkboard

Abundant Choices Promote a Personalized Learning Experience

An amazing array of classes at BHS distinguishes us from other districts in the area. Is English your passion? You can choose from many literature classes, journalism, short story writing, college prep writing, playwriting and more. Is science up your alley? We offer a variety of classes in biology, anatomy, wildlife, astronomy, physics, chemistry and biotechnology. Do you like to work with your hands? You can check out metalworking, woodworking, computer-aided drafting, robotics, jewelry making, ceramics and numerous other hands-on classes.

teacher with students

Experienced, Engaged and Caring Staff

Our dedicated staff build personal relationships with students and take pride in helping them achieve their educational goals and realize their dreams. That’s why 90% of our students say they have a teacher they can go to with a problem (compared to only 54% nationally.) Our BHS staff is highly qualified in their subject areas, with more than 65% of them holding a master’s degree.

Bounce Back logo with beach ball

Caring Culture

BHS is an active participant in the Bounce Back Project, a community-wide initiative that promotes health through happiness. Annually, students and staff are encouraged to write down three good things daily, perform random acts of kindness, and write gratitude letters. Recently, students, staff and community leaders had the opportunity to jointly read and discuss Brené Brown’s book Daring Greatly. Participants are taking the conversation to the next level by taking part in discussions and training on how to create a more resilient, courageous school and community culture.

students with a teacher in science

A Schedule that Benefits Students

Studies show that later school start times for secondary students has a significant, positive impact on attendance, behavior and overall academic success. For that reason, our classes don't begin until 8:50 am. We use a block schedule that builds a more effective learning environment and the opportunity to form deeper relationships between students and teachers. Students take four 80-minute classes per day that can change each term. This allows students to take more classes over the course of the year and to make the most of their high school experience. 

football line-up

A Wealth of Extracurricular Activities

Buffalo High School has outstanding athletic and activity facilities. Our community and student body is very proud of our schools and shows outstanding support through attendance at events and continued commitment to our programs. Beginning in the fall of 2019, BHS will be members in the Lake Conference. The conference is likely the highest profile and most competitive conference in the state of Minnesota. Our students and staff are excited about the opportunities and challenges ahead as we challenge our students to reach performance levels beyond their expectations.

boys in a wood shop class

College and Career Ready

BHS is one of the leading high schools in the state when it comes to offering all students a wide variety of college and career options. We outline a path for our students early in their high school career and help them plan for their future through a unique set of concurrent enrollment classes that align with the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC). By partnering with both four-year colleges and two-year community and technical colleges, we have greatly expanded the number and variety of classes that align with the MnTC.

Grad receiving diploma
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