High School Enrollment | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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High School Enrollment

Be nice, be proud, work hard, and model behavior is not just our motto but a practice that makes our students and school successful now and in the future. Our courses for students help them develop academically, artistically and athletically, developing our students into intelligent decision makers in all aspects of their lives. Our schedule is the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) which helps to ensure all students are receiving interventions that match their individual needs. Advisory and Academic Support time will be offered to students in the middle of the school day. We are creating closer relationships and giving students opportunity to find support outside of the regular classroom.

To register at BHS please contact Tonya Vega by email, tlvega@bhmschools.org, or phone, 763.682.8067. Forms below must be completed and returned to Ms. Vega before you are able to set up a registration/enrollment meeting. The open enrollment form is only to be filled out if you live out of district. You have the option to email, fax, or bring them in personally to the Student Services office located at BHS.

At your registration visit you can expect to:

  • Purchase locks
  • Set up a lunch account and fund it with a check
  • Register for classes
  • Receive sports information
  • Have an explanation of the BHS school day
  • Sign-up for the Campus Portal (online student information for parents)

We look forward to you starting as a student here at BHS!

Buffalo High School has partnered with 5 colleges, the University of Minnesota, St. Cloud State University, Southwest Minnesota State University, North Hennepin Community College & Hennepin Technical College, to offer college courses within our building. Because of this partnership, students have the opportunity to earn both high school and college credit simultaneously.

Our high school teachers are trained and credentialed to teach these college courses, offering our students the ability to experience the rigor of college within the supportive environment of their high school. There is no cost to the student and they can earn anywhere from 1 to 5 college credits per course.

There are many benefits to this programming including free college credits resulting in the reduction of college debt and cost to families, the existence of a college-going climate for all students, and the exposure to the rigor of a college course.

These college course credits, although offered through specific colleges and universities, are generally transferable to other higher education institutions, even those in other states. How each individual course is accepted will be determined by the receiving institution. To find out how college credits will transfer to another college, visit www.transferology.com.

Buffalo High School is currently offering 37 college courses in partnership with 5 colleges and universities. 

Minnesota Transfer Curriculum
The Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) provides a general education distribution framework. The MnTC is a collaborative effort among all two-and four-year public colleges and universities in Minnesota to help students transfer their work in general education. The MnTC will be accepted by any Minnesota public higher education institution to fulfill the lower division general education requirements for a Bachelor in Arts degree. Students must complete at least 40 credits in MnTC courses distributed over ten goal areas. Credits can only be counted once toward the 40 credit minimum, but may fulfill more than one goal area.

Buffalo High School has also partnered with North Hennepin Community College to offer many courses that meet their MnTC requirements.

Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) is a program that allows 10th-, 11th- and 12th-grade students to earn college credit while still in high school, through enrollment in and successful completion of college-level courses. With traditional PSEO, these courses are generally offered on the campus of the postsecondary institution; some courses are offered online. Postsecondary institutions are not allowed to charge PSEO students for tuition, textbooks or support services. Students may be charged for equipment that becomes their property when the course or program is completed.

Interested and eligible 11th- and 12th-grade students should contact the postsecondary institution to find out their eligibility requirements, which courses are offered and what the application process is at that institution. Interested and eligible public 10th-grade students should contact the postsecondary institution to find out which Career and Technical (CTE) courses are offered and what the application process is at that institution.

To assist the district in planning, students are required to inform their district of their intent to enroll in PSEO courses during the following school year by May 30. Students should seek guidance from their high school counselor to determine if PSEO is the right fit for them and their academic plan. As well as to receive the required paperwork.

For more information from the Minnesota Department of Education, click here

Open Enroll

Under the Enrollment Options Program, students in Minnesota can enroll in a public school outside the district in which they live. This enrollment option encourages parents to become knowledgeable about the needs and interests of their children.

If you are interested in open enrolling your student in our district, please submit the BHM Open Enrollment form to Technology and Information Services. Contact Jamie Reineccius at 763.682.8737 or by email.

BHM Open Enrollment

Other forms needed to open enroll to BHM include:

BHM Registration

BHM Health & Emergency

BHM Health & Emergency - ESPAñol

Minnesota Immunization Record

Minnesota Immunization Record - ESPAñol

MDH Potassium Iodide (KI)

BHM Potassium Iodide (KI) Consent

bhm potassium iodide (ki) consent - español

BHM Records Request

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