877 Bison Blvd
Buffalo, MN 55313
United States
Buffalo High School
Coach: TBD
Contact Info:
Participation Fee: $130
Coach: Jackson Litterer
Contact Info: jlitterer@bhmschools.org
Website: bisonhsfootball.com
Social Media: Twitter
Participation Fee: $200
Coach: Jordan Danielson
Contact Info: JTDan23@gmail.com
Website: https://sites.google.com/
Social Media: Instagram@bisonFC
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BHSbisonboyssoccer/
Participation Fee: $165
Coach: Josh Soukup
Contact Info: josh_soukup@hotmail.com
Social Media: Twitter
Participation Fee: $165
Coach: Jocelyn Woytcke
Contact Info: jwoytcke@bhmschools.org
Social Media: Facebook and Twitter
Participation Fee: $165
Coach: Simona Potockova
Contact Info: potockovas@gmail.com
Website: Teamsnap
Participation Fee: $165
Coach: Steve Novacek
Contact Info: steve@optimalfunctionmn.com
Social Media: Twitter
Participation Fee: $165
Coach: Joshua Ortmann
Contact Info: jortmann@bhmschools.org
Social Media: Twitter and Facebook
Participation Fee: $200
Coach: Jordan Zrust
Contact Info: jzrust@bhmschools.org
Website: Bison Girls Hoops
Social Media: Twitter
Participation Fee: $200
Coach: McKenzie Ackerman
Contact Info: mackerman@bhmschools.org
Social Media: Facebook and Instagram
Participation Fee: $165
Co Coaches: Martha Driscoll Nelson and Jon Holtz
Contact Info: manelson10156@gmail.com, jholtz@bhmschools.org
Participation Fee: $200
Coach: Aaron Johnson
Contact Info: amjohnson@bhmschools.org
Website: Bison Boys Hockey
Social Media: Twitter and Instagram
Participation Fee: $200
Coach: Blake Trullinger
Contact Info:
Website: Buffalo Wrestling
Social Media: Twitter
Participation Fee: $200
Coach: Mike Beilke
Contact Info: mbeilke@bhmschools.org
Website: Bison Baseball
Social Media: Twitter
Participation Fee: $165
Coach: Tim Murray
Contact Info: tmurray@bhmschools.org
Social Media: Twitter
Participation Fee: $200
Coach: Krista Crandall
Contact Info: coachkcrandall@gmail.com
Buffalo Girls LAX-Booster Club- BuffaloGLAX@gmail.com
Social Media: Website-https://sites.google.com/view/buffalogirlslacrosseboosters/home
Participation Fee: $200
Coach: Jordan Danielson
Contact Info: JTDan23@gmail.com
Participation Fee: $165
Team Website: https://sites.google.com/view/bisonboystennis/home
Coach: Scott Palmer
Contact Info: spalmer@bhmschools.org
Website: bison-track-field
Social Media: Facebook
Participation Fee: $165