BHS Activities Philosophy | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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BHS Activities Philosophy

Buffalo High School offers a wealth of opportunities for growth and enrichment through athletics, student government, performing groups, publications, honor societies, and special interest groups. Students have the opportunity to participate in quality school-sponsored after school activities with direction furnished by a specially selected group of teachers and coaches. 

Participation in student activities is truly a learning experience and an enhancement of the regular school day. National studies and research indicate that:

  • Participation in athletics and activities promotes citizenship.
  • The typical student involved in student activity programs has a higher grade point average than non-participants.
  • Students involved in student activities have a better attendance record.
  • The Scholastic Aptitude Testing Service says participation in school activities is one of the most accurate predictors of success after college.

School is more meaningful and enjoyable when a student becomes involved in the activities program. Whether the activity is part of a club or organization, special interest group, or student government, it is an opportunity to make friends, to learn some important social skills and to take part in fun activities.

One principle value of sports is in the realization that life is reflected in the athletic endeavor. Success is facilitated by 1) being well-prepared, 2) maintaining a positive attitude, 3) developing a dedication to a cause and 4) establishing high standards of conduct and attitude. Athletics prepare our young people for the challenges of adult life. 

A great tradition for excellence in athletics is not built overnight. It takes the hard work of many people over a period of time. To participate in such a way that honor and respect come to our athletes, our schools and our communities are a tradition at Buffalo High School. As a member of an interscholastic team, a student has responsibilities. The role on contributing to our athletic tradition will be a source of satisfaction to the students and to the schools.

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