Elevate Online | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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Elevate Online

Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools offers a K-12 online option called Elevate Online. Students living in the BHM School District who choose Elevate over other online schools enjoy several advantages:

  • Attending class online through BHM Schools allows the individual to remain a BHM student with full participation rights to local school sports and activities. 
  • Students can choose to attend in-person BHM courses that are not available online, such as music or Career and Technical Education classes.
  • BHM online students receive a Buffalo High School diploma and are welcome to participate in the school’s graduation ceremony.
  • There is no tuition cost to attend.

Other online schools cannot offer all of these options, which significantly reduces opportunities and experiences available to students.

More about Elevate Online
Elevate Online is offered in partnership with Southwest Metro Intermediate District 288, and is one of Minnesota’s first state-approved online programs for K-12 students. The program’s licensed teachers use a variety of methods for effective instruction, including synchronous and asynchronous learning. Students receive daily, live video instruction in online classrooms, and have opportunities to engage with fellow students as well.

Enroll in Elevate Online                             

Find out more about Elevate               

Please contact BHM Communications Coordinator Paul Downer if you have any questions (763.682.8783 or pdowner@bhmschools.org).

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