Extracurricular Activities | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
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Extracurricular Activities


9th Grade Adviser: 

Contact Info: 


10th Grade Adviser: Kelsey Ortmann

Contact Info: kortmann@bhmschools.org


11th Grade Adviser: Nancy Eiynck/Tracy Hulley

Contact Info: neiynck@bhmschools.org



12th Grade Adviser: 

Contact Info: 




Adviser: Tara Rosh

Contact Info: trosh@bhmschools.org

Description: Educators Rising encourages students to pursue post-secondary careers in the field of education or in a field where they are instructing others. Opportunities for members include a Shadow Day spent working side-by-side a school professional, Leadership Conferences, competitions for leadership skill building, college visits, and service projects. Members gain insight and perspective by organizing, coordinating and hosting school activities. There is a place for everyone in Educators Rising.


Coach: Gary Wirkus

Contact Info: gwirkus@bhmschools.org

Social Media: Facebook

Description: Buffalo FFA is an organization for any student interested in learning more about plants, animals, natural resources and leadership opportunities.  Students compete in numerous contests throughout the school year.

Participation Fee: $20 annual 

Adviser: Michele Strassburg/Jason Swanson

Contact Info: mstrass@bhmschools.org 


Description: International Club is intended to provide awareness of different cultures through various activities, presentations, and discussion. The club allows our exchange students a smoother transition to our BHM culture. The club also gives BHM students opportunities to further their understanding of culture through purposeful interactions with our exchange students. 


Adviser: Christina Cox/Natash Leach

Contact Info: ccox@bhmschools.orgnleach@bhmschools.org 

Description: The purpose of the Buffalo High School chapter of the National Honor Society shall be to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the students of Buffalo High School.

Membership in the Buffalo chapter of NHS is based on the following criteria: 1. The student must have achieved a grade point average of 3.67 or higher. New members are considered at the beginning of the junior and senior years using the most current cumulative GPA. 2. The student is given an opportunity to describe (through an application process) his/her service, character, and leadership experiences in our school and community. The National Honor Society is seeking students who have consistently demonstrated excellence in character, scholarship, leadership, and who show an enthusiastic willingness to serve others. The Executive Council and advisers reserve the right to deny membership. The excitement and satisfaction of this organization is achieved by active participation in service projects.

NHS members are REQUIRED to:  Attend all monthly meetings. Complete the required number of volunteer service hours in approved activities designated by the executive council, advisers, and administration. Maintain a GPA of 3.67 or higher. Comply with all BHS Activity Guidelines.


Adviser: Emily Schumacher

Contact Info: eschumacher@bhmschools.org

Description: The purpose of Student Council is to develop school spirit and loyalty through school service projects and activities; to learn and serve as positive leaders and followers; and to improve communication by serving as a go-between for students and the administration. As a full council, we meet weekly to organize and run a variety of activities throughout the school year. Specific committees meet regularly to carry-out various council responsibilities. Students in grades 9-12 are elected by their peers to represent their respective classes. To remaining on the council, students must maintain a C average, earn at least 15 points per term from council committee work, and demonstrate dedication to the position with consistent attendance at scheduled meetings. Students must also abide by the MSHSL and District 877 current policies on chemicals, alcohol, and tobacco.




Adviser: Austin Youngmark

Contact Info: ayoungmark@bhmschools.org

Description: Appropriate training methods will be taught to produce stronger, more coordinated student athletes. Program includes dynamic flexibility, movement skills, acceleration, footwork, and strength training. The goal is to build athletes with good training habits. This is held after school and of no cost.




Self-Funded Activities that may or may not be recognized by the MSHSL and are acknowledged by the BHS Activity Office. These Activities operate independently, other than working through the BHS Activities Office for Letter and Participation awards.

Coach/Adviser: Sally Stevens 

Contact Info: bhstt@icloud.com

Website: bhstt.org 

Our home club is the Buffalo Gun Club.

PO Box 292
Buffalo, MN 55313


Coach/Adviser: Beau Hansen

Contact Info: herdvolunteercordinator@gmail.com

Website: theherdmarchingband.wordpress.com

Social Media: Facebook - The HERD March Band

Coach/Adviser: Ben Wandmacher

Contact Info: bwandmac@bhmschools.org

Website: Buffalo Robotics Website

Social Media: Facebook 



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